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M Energy Inc.
Stronger Systems for a Brighter Future

Stronger Systems For a Brighter Future
M Energy Inc Offers a simple, safe and very cost-effective solar electric system design and installation services to homeowners throughout all Southern California .
From start to finish, you will receive our undivided attention to the details required to make your solar energy investment a success.
With residential electric rates in California having increased by over 25% in the last 6 years alone (source: US Energy Information Administration), why wait any longer?

When you contact M Energy Inc about your potential for “going solar”, we will guide you through the entire experience, describing exactly how the process works and answer any questions that you might have.
We will perform a comprehensive solar and energy site survey with you, where you have the benefit of making sure that your home or business is suitable for a solar installation before proceeding.

You receive all of the benefits of our extensive knowledge and experience in matters concerning a solar installation, and are given a complete cost-effective (simple payback period, and rate of return on investment) view of what a solar electric system can provide.
There is absolutely no pressure, just our honest advice.
And if you proceed, knowing that we will specify only highly proven, fully warranted, world-class
Pv Solar Products assures that your system will perform as expected for many, many years.
To see a simple step-by-step of M Energy Inc process.
Contact us today!
Want to finally become energy independent with 100% sun power?
M Energy can get you there! And since we always take a whole home approach to sizing your energy needs, we first look to bring your total energy demand down. The result being that you may then need a much smaller solar PV electrical system to power your entire home.
Contact Us
Please complete and submit the following contact form to send an email to us. We appreciate your interests and look forward to hearing from you soon!
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